25.12.2011. A various artists compilation “Oredezh” is released by Fulldozer, with 12 artists re-interpreting the same eponymous track by a raw pagan black metal band Sivyj Yar. Kryptogen Rundfunk offers his own vision with a track “Sacred Violence”.

23.12.2011. Performing live as a member of Govorit Radio “Kosmos” @ Zimovorot – ESG-21, St. Petersburg (with Kshatriy, VJ Yuri Elik).

02.12.2011. Performing live as a member of Baltic Wind @ Trancequake – Route 148, St. Petersburg (with Taiga, DJ Liquid_Joint, mDJ Anysta, DJs Vdym + Morkva).

07.11.2011. Performing live as a member of Noises Of Russia @ Zoccolo, St. Petersburg.

21.10.2011. Performing live as a member of Hattifnatter and Lunar Abyss feat. Lotus Eater @ Burning in Autumn – ESG-21, St. Petersburg (with Maruun, VJ Yuri Elik).

15.07.2011. Performing live as a member of Baltic Wind @ “Fathers and Sons” media night – Fountain Home Garden, St. Petersburg (with Carpe Diem Orchestra, Pavel Miheev, Dmitry Kahovsky, Alexey Plusnin, Snejana Reisen, VJ Ira Ra, VJ Ed Kumpel, VJ Yuri Elik).

13.07.2011. A new release by Lunar Abyss “Drema + Solntse” combining two live recordings made this year, I participated in one of them.

“Two concerts recorded in summer 2011 at forest gatherings “Dreaming 1” (“Drema 1”) and “Holidays in the Sun” (“Kanikuly na Solntse”). Recorded on air on Zoom H4 portastudio without any studio editing. Nice live atmosphere, good sound quality. For those familiar with Lunar Abyss worls it would be nice to spot some familiar elements in the sonic canvas.”


18.06.2011. Playing a set as DJ Kryptogen, also performing live as a member of Lunar Abyss Deus Organum and as a guest musician in Maruun @ dRëmA – open-air, Leningrad region (with DJ Evergreen, Svetlo, A.T.M.O.M., Borovik Eralash, DJ Liquid_Joint, DJ Ekza, DJ Neuronaut, Dobroveselo, Mycelium).

16.06.2011. Performing live as a member of Lunar Abyss @ ESG-21, St. Petersburg (with Kshatriy).

02.05.2011. The label Vetvei publishes two releases in recording of which I took part. First is a CDR with a live recording by Lunar Abyss Deus Organum + Hattifnatter & Neznamo & Kshatriy & Vresnit “Sonastroika”.

“A collective performance recording of LUNAR ABYSS DEUS ORGANUM + HATTIFNATTER & NEZNAMO & KSHATRIY & VRESNIT with the assistance of VJ Yury Elika from November, 4th, 2010 in ESG-21 club, St.-Petersburg. A six-parts session of a group audio-visual communication in a wonderful day of the decreasing moon. There were no separate performances of projects this evening, the participants joined in the action of unity. Field records, voices, guitars, synthesizers, wind instruments and extensive electronic devices in hands of the consciousness phenomena spin a dense Drone Ambient veil. A communication, a sound breath, an illusion stream, a clearing walk on the autumn wood, called to connect all the opposites!”

Second is a CD with live recordings by Lunar Abyss “Tryakusta”.

“This album from Saint-Petersburg L.A.D.O. progect is result of 3 live records mixing: July 1, 2010 in art-apartment “Vmeste” – a meditative sound performance “Ring Time” feat Kshatriy; July 4, 2010 a morning concert in “Zelenogorsky Festival of ambient music vol.1”; July 14, 2010 a meditative sound performance “Diamond Sandman – 12th floor” in the art-apartment “Vmeste”. An incredibly deep multilayered Drone Ambient with plenty of colorful patterns. A dense self-observing stream, that takes away all the dependences and rushing through an endless self-similar spheres.”


28.04.2011. Performing live as a member of Noises Of Russia @ Dzogchen Forum – EcoCenter “Sokolniki”, Moscow.

26.04.2011. A new release by Kryptogen Rundfunk – “Live 2005” CDR on ZHELEZOBETON.

“The disk contains live recordings made during the “Noise vs Glamour” festival in 2005 in St. Petersburg and Moscow, later reworked in home studio… In fact the same program was prepared for both shows so some fragments of the compositions intersect, but due to the live mixing of sampled layers of analogue and computer synthesis and use of such instruments as analogue synth “Rokton”, radio receivers, voice and processing units, both tracks sound entirely different in the end. In both cases these are constantly moving psychoactive soundscapes spreading from soft pulsations and drones to sprightly noisy fragments spiced up with a couple of funny samples.”


25.04.2011. Performing live as a member of New Orthodox Line @ Happy Easter – ESG-21, St. Petersburg.

23.04.2011. Performing live as a member of Hattifnatter @ Hermetic Sound-Making Practice – ESG-21, St. Petersburg (with Radical Art Front & Shiva’s Disco).

12.04.2011. Participating in an improvisation session of an analogue synthesizer orchestra @ Cosmonoise 2011 – Small Hall of Manege, St. Petersburg (with the members of Rhoea, vtol, Mycelium, Maruun, Tail, Inter Arbores, Bardoseneticcube, Lunar Abyss, VJ Yuri Elik).

02-17.04.2011. Kryptogen Rundfunk created a special soundtrack with several independent sound layers for the installation “Model Of Biometric Reflexions” created by Dmitry Kawarga and exhibited @ Life. The scientific version international science-art festival, Moscow.

“A complex robotized biomorphic sculpture with six various kinds of biofeedback devices allowing visitors to interact with the object and alter its behaviour. The main creative task of this work is an attempt to materialize the mechanisms of the human consciousness, our psycho-physiological processes and brain activity.”

More info about this project including a video presentation is here: http://kawarga.ru/life/e-L.htm

14.03.2011. Performing live as a member of  New Orthodox Line @ Lenten Reflections – ESG-21, St. Petersburg (with Night Tropical).

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